Aug 7, 2024

The Best Mutual Funds for Tax Loss Harvesting

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Conceivably, the tax loss harvesting is a smart approach to reduce the amount of tax to be paid on the individuals by using capital loss towards the capital gains. If well employed, it can help you to cut a highly significant figure in your expenditure. The selection of mutual funds is one of the major factors when creating successful tax loss harvesting strategy. This blog shall look at categories of mutual funds to invest in for tax loss harvesting and their performance, expense ratios and more. 

Understanding Tax Loss Harvesting

However, prior dissecting the particular mutual funds, it is essential to explain what exactly the tax loss harvesting process is. Consequently, tax loss harvesting entails selling of securities and realization of losses with an aim of reducing capital gains taxes. The losses can be deducted up to $3,000 of ordinary income in a given year and the rest can be carried forward to the next years. 

Steps to select Mutual Fund Portfolio for Tax Loss Harvesting

  1. Diversification: This helps to minimize large-scale losses when a mutual fund is well diversified. 
  2. Low Expense Ratios: Expenses should be kept at a minimum, because the higher the so-called expense ratio, the lower your returns will be
  3. Consistent Performance: This is the quality of the fund, which one should look into, see which fund of yours has been giving good results year in, year out. 
  4. Tax Efficiency: Some mutual funds are preferred for tax considerations more than others due to their nature of operation. 
  5. Sector and Style: In regards to diverse sectors and style, it is recommended to consider the funds to have a balanced investment portfolio. 

This post provides information on the best mutual funds to apply tax loss harvesting on. 

 1. Thus, an ideal fund for the investment is Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund/500 Admiral (VTSAX). 

Diversification: This variable enters quite strongly into VTSAX because this ETF gives diversified access to the overall U. S. equity market regardless of size. 

Expense Ratio: 0. 4, 03 % of which is significantly low. 

Performance: Sustainable steady moderate results with an emphasis on the market conditions’ enhancement. 

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Tax Efficiency: Typically, index funds such as the VTSAX have low turnover levels primarily because they have policies and restrictions that contribute to their naturally low tax efficiency. 

 2. Similar to Russell 3000 Index Fund, Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund (SWPPX) is an index fund that invest in American large-capitalization. 

Diversification: The SWPPX index represents the S&P 500 that gives direct access to a index of the largest companies operating in the U. S. 

Expense Ratio: 0. It has been noted to be as low as 02%, which can be considered as one of the lowest among competitors. 

Performance: Positive past performance and such positive performance can positively mimic the Standard and Poor’s 500. 

Tax Efficiency: It also has a low turnover rate and focuses on large-cap companies hence it is very efficient in terms of taxes. 

 3. This mutual fund shares in the total stock market and is managed by Fidelity Investments Company; it is known as Fidelity Total Market Index Fund (FSKAX). 

 Diversification: Unlike VTSAX, it invests in the whole of the U. S. equity market, operating in the same fashion as FSKAX. 

Expense Ratio: 0. 015% whereas VTSAX had a lower expense ratio at 0. 04% ### Source #9 From the following fund expense ratios, select the funds that have the lowest expense ratios and are therefore cheaper: VTSAX at 0. 04%, VSMAX at a maximum of 0. 10%, and VTSMX at 0. 10%

 Performance: Like other total market funds which are well established in the market. 

 Tax Efficiency: Since the turnover is low, tax efficiency is high. 

 4. Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US Index Fund (VWUSX / VFWAX) 

 Diversification: It exposes organizations to operations in other countries other than the United States. 

 Expense Ratio: 0. 11%, which is quite sensible being an international fund. 

 Performance: To sum up, it can be stated about the stock that it has good long-term performance and the access to developed and emerging stock markets

 Tax Efficiency: International operations also increase the company’s exposure to different markets and hence tax efficiency. 

Read more – What REITs are? How they work, their benefits and risks

 5. iShares MSCI EAFE International Index Fund (BTMIX) 

 Diversification: Concentrates on non- North America developed countries. 

 Expense Ratio: 0. 33% With reference to the US funds, the selected firms’ funds seem relatively high; though competitive for international funds. 

 Performance: A strong and somewhat conservative performance caring about stability. 

 Tax Efficiency: The global experience assists in moderating fluctuations within the particular market of the United States. 

 6. Vanguard Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt Fund is the next on the list with VWITX. 

Diversification: Specializes in municipal bonds therefore brings a different product that is investment is different from what the other mutual funds provide. 

Expense Ratio: 0. , seventeen percent, which is relatively low in the case of bond funds. 

Performance: Relatively stable returns that are less most mature equity funds. 

Tax Efficiency: Demand in municipal bonds is the one which is free from federal taxes and hence, extremely tax-favored. 

 7. Fidelity Tax-Free Bond Fund is one of these funds with the ticker symbol FTABX. 

Diversification: Buys municipal bonds with steady returns, it will always receive income from the bonds it purchased. 

Expense Ratio: 0. Subsequently, I will choose a fund that has 25% turnover, which is appropriate for a tax-free bond fund. 

Performance: Predictable and riskless – it does not have the volatility of a highly active market. 

Tax Efficiency: Provide federal tax –free income thereby giving the overall tax nexus a boost. 

How to roll out the Tax Loss Harvesting with Mutual Funds

  • Identify Losses: You should review the portfolio as frequently as possible to discover the currently valueless mutual funds
  • Sell and Replace: As for the losing fund, they would sell it and reinvest the money in another similar fund but not the exact one to continue with their investment plan. 
  • Avoid Wash Sales: Also, avoid the purchase of the same or of a security very similar to the one that you have sold within 30 days before or after the sale, according to the IRS rules. 
  • Rebalance Regularly: Investors need to make changes to the investments they have often to keep proportionate with the objectives set and the amount of risk that they are willing to handle. 
  • You may also read new post here – Tax Implications of Stock Market Investments


Tax loss harvesting is amongst the most effective strategies that can be used to increase effective return and decrease a taxpayer’s tax obligation. It, therefore, becomes easier to achieve the best tax-efficient mutual funds when you invest in the right mutual funds that has been discussed above in this article and at the same time diversify your portfolio. Portfolio updating, analyzing a tax impact, and being persistent in the technique are the key factors to be followed to increase the efficiency of the tax loss harvesting

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