Jun 14, 2024

Analyzing Waaree Renewables Technologies Ltd: A Comprehensive Financial Overview

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Waaree Renewables Technology Limited, which is among the major players in this renewable energy, is the manufacturer of solar photovoltaic modules, solar water pumps, and other solar energy products. Now the global community is focused on the clean energy and green technologies, firms, such as Waaree, could see the immense growth potential. In the present blog post we are going to conduct comprehensive of financial analysis of Waaree Renewables Technologies Ltd. with the relevant information from the screener website,aspects of financial metrics risk return, market performance, peer comparison,balance sheet,cash flow, and financial statements are going to be dealt with.

Market Capitalization and Stock Market Condition:

The example of the market capitalization of Waaree Renewables Technologies Ltd will be provided but it is important to note that the market capitalization is one of the most important indicators of the company’s value in the stock market. As of now the total market cap value of the company stands at 24,101cr, the company thus stands at third in the renewable energy industry. The watchword to the Waaree stock market condition is quite simple, from the recent performances of the stock, the trading volumes, and the market sentiment. Deprivation from global market trends, Waaree’s stock has however come through with resilience and also growth indicators reflecting investor confidence in the company’s future.

Peer Comparison:

To derive more knowledge about Waaree’s financial standing, it is extremely critical to assess how its performance compares to that of the other major industry players in the renewable energy industry. Peer comparison facilitates an overview of the strong and weak sides of the companies, the identification of industry and sector patterns and trends, and gives investors an opportunity to make their own decisions based on the choices of others. Among the key metrics of peer comparison can be mentioned revenue growth, profitability margins, ROE and debt-to-equity ratios. Hence, shareholders can establish which rival firms and divisions of Waaree are, and by how much, they are above or below benchmark as a direction for Waaree to determine where those gaps are, what the meaning is, and how to perform better.

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Balance Sheet Analysis:

The balance sheet is thus a picture of the company’s cash position as at the reporting date, showing its assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity. A close look of the balance sheet will help investors get information concerning liquidity, solvency, and general well-being of the company. Some important balancesheets metrics to consider, for example, include total assets, total liabilities, working capital, and the debt level. In addition, through Waaree’s assets and liabilities’ reviewing, the investors shall be able to access the capacity to discharge its short-term obligations, secure growth objectives and treat financial risks in a sensible way.

Cash Flow Statement:

In cashflow statement Waaree has represented the main sources of funds and their allocation on operational, investment and financial activities. Cash flow analysis underlines the amount of cash impacting the business generated from the operation of the company but also financial expenses, as well as whether it pays out dividends. Operative cashflow, investing cashflow, and financing cash flow are key parts of the cash flow statement. Investors evaluate different cash flow patterns that Waaree has had over the time to see what revenues the company is able to generate and how flexible its finances.

Financial Ratios:

Liquidity Ratios:

  • Current Ratio: This ratio tells mean how much the company is able to pay off its current debt with its current net assets. Current ratio more than 1 means that the amount of current assets is higher than the amount of liabilities, that is it shows liquidity is good. In particular, if the current ratio stays above 1 for Waaree Renewables then it means the company can still meet its immediate needs without burning any of its capital assets.
  • Quick Ratio: The ratio of quick does not apply stock to describe asset of modern type, because it considers only how liquid they are. The quick ratio, which is usually above 1.0, means that the enterprise has no problem covering its short-term liabilities unless it sells its finished products. For Waaree Renewables, this convenience ratio serves to demonstrate that liquidation of inventory is not required to meet the obligations even at the enjoyment of cash few days.

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Solvency Ratios:

  • Debt-to-Equity Ratio: Debt/equity ratio, in general, indicates the proportion of debt to equity financing. The smaller the ratio is the more likely is that the company has a low level of financial risk and that the company’s balance sheet is good. In the case of Waaree Renewables, a stretch to the price based on the book value would suggest lowered debt financing that would contribute to a stronger financial situation.
  • Interest Coverage Ratio: This indicator assesses the company’s degree of solvency in the field of making an interest payments on credit facilities. A higher ratio means that the capability to use operating income to pay for interest expenses is larger than the other way round. For Waaree Renewables, ACIR that is at a comfort level serves as an indicator of its financial power and augurs well for more favorable credit.

Profitability Ratios:

  • Gross Profit Margin: By calculating this ratio, you can understand how efficiently your company is producing and pricing, which impacts the profit at gross level. A greater gross profit margin shows the company is doing well in cost management and customers are sensitive to the prices. Waaree Renewables needs that its margin of gross profit is either stable or growing which means higher indebtedness.
  • Net Profit Margin: Profit margin that adds dollars earned from sales with minus deductions of taxes, interest, and all costs is net profit margin. A company’s profitability is measured by that. Rising sales profits margin shows that business is working more efficiently and it has already learned how to control costs. Waare Renewables – shall show its consistent or better net profit figures which explains its sustainable profitability.

Efficiency Ratios:

  • Inventory Turnover Ratio: This ratio analyst how well the business handles its inventory items by measuring how many times they sell their inventory and buy new ones in the period. The higher a turnover ratio, the more manageable it is to set inventory and therefore avoided the carrying cost. For Waaree Renewables, a high inventory turnover ratio suggest that company can effectively utilize raw material stocks to reach productive output.
  • Receivables Turnover Ratio: This indicator indicates whether the company is organised in such a way to have the smaller period of receivables on the accounts with customers. A higher turnover ratio shows that the collection is sooner, and thus credit management also becomes better. Waaree Renewables corresponds an increasing receivables turnover ratio closely with receiving high cashflow and liquidity.

Financial Statements:

Waaree’s financial statements: income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement, serve to give a wide-ranging overview of the company’s financial results for any given account period. These comments provide the basis for investors to monitor revenue streams, spending, earnings, and cash flows. Through, combining an assessment of Waaree’s financial statements with other financial indicators, investors can obtain a good idea about the overall financial state of the company and, based on this, make a decision with regard to potential investment opportunities.


In summary, a thorough financial analysis of Waree Renewables Technologies Ltd helps us underpin its market capitalization, get background history of the stock market, compare performance against respective competitors, examine financial statements, analyze cash flows, business profitability, and solvency ratios.

By matching up the provided data from a screener website with the throrough analysis of investor, one will be able to better appreciate Waaree’s financial position, investment prospects as well as investment potential hopefully in the renewable energy sector. As the world is now moving towards the clean and green energy that is no way going to slow down in future, the same provides the opportunity for Waaree to exploit and bring into commerce the sustainable solution for its many stakeholders.

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